Professional Development
There are so many amazing advances in medicine now that things we once thought were incurable are now dealt with as outpatient surgery. It seems like every week there is a new advancement in medicine from new vaccines to laser technology to new discoveries in chemistry and medication.
For this reason doctors are required to spend a certain amount of time each year in continuing education and professional development.
So are real estate agents, school teachers, and a host of other respected professions.
But as performers and entertainers there are no laws or requirements for us. Instead it is our duty to seek out our own professional development. The good news is that for those who do, it gives us a bit of a competitive advantage over other performers who do not.
I just returned from one of my favorite conferences called KIDabra. It is an international organization with people attending from the UK, Australia, Italy, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Croatia, Canada, and all over the United States. Every time I return from this annual event my head swims with ideas, inspiration, and renewed energy.
Later this week I'll be attending the TAOM convention in Dallas, Texas.
At the beginning of October I'll be lecturing on the Creativity At Sea Cruise.
It's still not too late to register for Eric Paul's Super Conference November, 14, 15, & 16. I'll be lecturing there, too so I hope to see some old friends and meet some of you in person.
Lastly, of course, I'm ramping up for the final ever Business Building Workshop, a 5 day event where we focus exclusively on performing in schools. For years I've made my living working only in schools and public libraries in my local market and for the past several years I've been sharing my systems about how to do that.
This will be the last year that I offer this information. It happens in January. It is more than you've ever spent on a magic conference but it is less than an equivalent amount of classroom time at a local community college and it will provide you with FAR more value than any college course.
If you can't sign up for my event, at least go somewhere! There is something that happens at live events that you can never capture by reading a book, listening to audio programs or even talking on the phone.
It is at events like these that we are able to share ideas, learn about what is new in our industry, and share best practices. Events like these are what move our profession forward.
If it's good enough for your doctor and for your kid's school teacher, it's probably good enough for you, too.