Friday, August 11, 2006

Saying "Thank You"

I am a pretty big believer in saying thank you. I don't always do it, but I try to. When people send me e-mails about my monthly business building column in The Linking Ring magazine, or some of the books or articles I've written, I try to reply with a thank you, even if it just says "Thank you for taking the time to write".

Just recently I was treated to a thank you that really reminded me of how valuable a nice thank you can be. I had a product that had sold out. I was no longer producing them and someone called asking for one. It was a $500 item but they were all sold out. I told him he might be able to get one if anyone ever returns one (I offer a lifetime, money back guarantee on everything I produce), but I told him I had never had anyone return this particular product before.

As luck would have it, someone did ask for a refund and I was able to get one of these items back in stock. Further, he happened to e-mail me three days after it came back asking if any had been returned. I told him it must be destiny and after checking to make sure everything was there and in pristine condition, I sent him the marketing system.

Two weeks later an overnight delivery company delivered a package from a chocolatier in France. Inside the insulated box the dry ice had evaporated. My wife and I excitedly broke the wax seal on the ribbon, then carefully peeled off the rich wrapping paper. Underneath was a beautiful wooden box that, when opened, revealed a tiny collection of some of the most delicious confections I'd eaten in a very long time.

I'm proud to be an American, but no body does chocolate like the Europeans. Their chocolate has flavor, not just sugar, cocoa, and corn syrup. This stuff was divine.

So this guy paid for the marketing program. I didn't give it to him. He paid me for it. He paid for shipping. And then he sent me a thank you.

It's not the first time someone bought me a gift for the help I provide in growing businesses, but it was the most recent and I thought I would share it with you.

I hope he doesn't read this entry because he might figure out how many bonus points he's earned with me.

--Julian Franklin

P.S. Since this happened I had another copy of the product returned and like fate some else called about a week after it came it and bought it. I no longer have any in stock. I've also had several requests for my licensed assembly programs which I no longer offer to the public. This is not a matter of inventory, they are simply not being sold at this time. For a complete and accurate listing of my products, you can visit


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