Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bartering on the 4th of July

Yesterday I wrote a post about swapping your services in exchange for in-store credit. I posted that entry at the close of a 4 day vacation. We try to make sure we are always at home on the Fourth of July and on New Year's Eve because we have a neighbor who LOVES fireworks.

We always get treated to a light show far better than any professional show I've ever seen. That's not an exageration, and I've got the photos to prove it.

Sort of.

The fireworks are launched at such an intensity that most of the photos come out looking like a ball of fire. The smaller volleys make better pictures.

Anyway, what does all this have to do with marketing? What does this have to do with bartering services? Just this.

My neighbor owns a retail store that is a prime location for a fireworks stand. Every year he rents his parking lot to a distributor who sets up a booth. But rather than taking money for the spot, he trades out in fireworks. To the tune of several thousand dollars worth (retail).

It is a great deal for everyone involved, particularly the people on our cul-de-sac who get to enjoy one of the best fireworks shows ever in the comfort of our front yard, and it doesn't cost us a thing!


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