Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pizza Place Let Down

I wrote once before about my favorite pizza place. I wrote about how they KNEW how to make pizza but didn't know much about marketing and I was worried that they might not last in business even though their product was top notch and the service was great.

Alas, my foresight proved accurate and they were bought out by a fairly well-known franchise chain (Double Dave's). Gone was the buffet I so fondly remember, gone were the specialty pizzas I had fallen in love with, and gone was the customer service I had come to expect.

Of course, we gave the new owners a try before we jumped to these conclusions. We tried on three different occasions before just giving up. Once, we visited on the one day they have a buffet, just to compare them, but there was nothing on the buffet table. No pizza at all.

The buffet line was scheduled to have opened 30 minutes previously but there was no pizza.

There were employees standing around. And there were people standing with empty plates waiting for pizza. But there was no pizza.

They seemed to have enough employees to take everyone's money for the buffet, but not enough to actually cook any pizza.

When the first pizza did actually come out, it was immediately gone, of course and I wondered "Did they not EXPECT to have people wanting pizza on the buffet when they advertise a buffet?"

Why would they not have pizza FINISHED when the buffet is supposed to START? I don't think it takes a degree in Restaurant and Hotel Management to figure out that if the buffet starts at 11:30, you don't wait until 11:45 to start cooking pizza.

Oh, well, another great business killed by poor marketing.

It makes me wonder what would happen if you took a serious craftsman and paired him for a while with a great marketer who would then LET the craftsman do what he does best while the marketer taught the craftsman everything there is to know about how to make money plying his trade.

I guess I don't really have to wonder because I've seen it happen over and over. Every year master craftsmen in the art of magic fly to Houston for an event where they learn everything there is to know about how to create amazing businesses doing what they love.

The results have been quite impressive. Check it out at www.KidShowBusinss.com


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