Sunday, September 09, 2007

My 4 Unbreakable Money Rules

I have four Unbreakable Financial Rules. You don't have to adopt them, but I have seen lots of people lose money and friendships that they never would have lost if they had followed these four rules. I've never broken them.

They aren't my original rules. I've gathered them from different books and speakers I've heard. Different people offer different rules, these are the four that, in our house, are immutable.

1) Never co-sign for anyone, for any reason at any time, no matter what

2) Never borrow against the equity in your homestead unless it is for enough money to COMPLETELY replace the homestead with a debt-free alternative homestead that you would be content living in full-time

3) Never borrow against or prematurely cash out any retirement or college savings account

4) Always pay yourself first, even if it is only a few hundred dollars a month. That is, no matter how bad things get, make sure that you put at least a little bit into some sort of savings or investment account.


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