Friday, December 01, 2006

I’d Like to See Your Marketing

A friend from out of state called me recently and suggested that we get together. “I’d like to see your show, but I’d really like to see your marketing” he told me.

“My show IS my marketing”

It reminded me of the cover page in one of the four manuals I provide to the workshop attendees at my annual Business Building Workshop held each January. The first page has only one sentence, bold and large font:

Everything you do is Marketing.

One of the fundamentals of marketing (and it is taught in even the Jr. High courses on business) is the concept of “The Four Ps”. Pricing, Product, Promotion, and Place.

Yeah, but that’s too elementary. I mean, if they teach it to Jr. High kids, it can’t be very worthwhile. I want the “secret”. I want to know the secret words that I can put into my direct mail piece that will triple response rates. I want to know the closing sales tactic that will boost my closing ratio on the phone to 90%.

I want to know an EASY way to grow my business that doesn’t involve introspection and self-examination. My ego is too fragile for that sort of work.

Okay, here it is. The four Ps are easy. But they do involve the ability to remove yourself from what you have been doing for the last few years and try to start with a blank slate. That’s tough for most, and impossible for many. But if you can do it, you can make some real serious growth in your business and you can do it in a way that results in long-term growth, rather than temporary spurts of activity.

So once a week or so, for the next few weeks I’ll be posting my thoughts on ONE of the four Ps. Each week we’ll look at another of the Ps until we’ve covered them all.

In the meantime, remember that everything you do is Marketing.

--Julian Franklin


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